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The DM teams’s Finale


This is our last article we, the whole DM team, are going to post. We express our thoughts from participating in the Direct Message here. We have made a whole new site for the DM, and posted various articles in it this year. We enclose our thoughts at the bottom.

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My first day in the DM team I was pretty prepared because at my old school I was a part of a very similar club. The first article I wrote was about travelling on planes and through airports during COVID. I felt relieved after publishing because I had gotten one article done and I put something on the Direct Message. I think I did gain some more confidence because it was one of my longest articles. My favourite article I wrote was COVID On Our Screens. I really enjoyed writing it because those are two of my favourite shows and I got to share my opinion on the pandemic being included in what we watch. I hope that the future DM team is passionate about what they’re writing and they stay motivated all year.


When I started writing articles in DM, brainstorming topics was the hardest thing because I didn't have any idea what to write about. However, after I wrote an article. I’ve exactly known what to do in this DM. While I’m writing an article, I researched something which is related to the topic I’m writing. So I was able to learn something I hadn’t known before. Also I was able to improve my English skill. I was able to feel accomplishment when somebody read my article in DM. Thank you.


If I say it honestly, I wasn’t really interested in being in the DM team. I came in because there wasn't a place left in the elective that I wanted. In the first class, I learned how to write articles, publish and how I can read other people’s articles. It was quite complicated to me so I thought this doesn’t fit with me. But after some time, I started to feel fun writing articles with the topic I chose and making it so that other people can read it. And now only 2 weeks are left in this year(About four classes left). I think time goes really fast. However it was fun and a good experience to be in the DM team. Thank you.


The first day of participating in the DM team made me feel very excited because I used to always take classes that all students have to take which are math, science, english, and spanish etc, but when I saw media publications I was looking forward to trying something new. Publishing my first article felt really satisfying because it was a big accomplishment. I couldn’t imagine people reading my articles.

The first time I was a bit scared because I was worried that I made many mistakes but after I published more articles I gained more confidence.

I felt challenged when converting the planned ideas into writing.

My favorite article is the Humans of Middle School:Thomas Jester because this article got the most views among all the articles I have written. My hope for the future DM team is to write more articles than I did. Thank you.


It felt good I was helping the school and it was different than I expected I could. It felt good to publish the bird flu article because I knew that I could do this class. I did gain confidence after publishing my article because at first I didn't think I had what it took to do this then I wrote my article then I thought I do have what it takes. I feel most challenged When I am stuck on what I want to write or when I get writer's block on an article. My favorite article I wrote was my eagle brand squares because I wrote about what I am interested in. Next I want More people to be a part of the tdm because not very many people did it this year.


The first day, since I joined an elective automatically without any information, I really didn’t know what ‘media publication’ actually is and what that has to do with me. Writing my first article, ‘Covid is Hard on Dogs too!’, I struggled a lot and I still had to observe things. I definitely gained more confidence after the first article so I think I was able to do most things smoothly afterwards. I felt challenged when I had to do some research and use the sources appropriately without just copying but writing them in my own words. My favourite article so far is ‘ PLEASE DON’T WASTE YOUR TIME AND YOUR YOUTH AND DO SOMETHING’. The title is really long but this article was just simple and clear and it was also the first time giving my personal opinion in writing.

I hope the future DM team will make more interesting and helpful articles so eventually more students can visit the website.


On the first day of participating on the DM team made me really nervous because not that I didn’t want to, but I wasn’t so sure if I could keep up on writing articles because I wasn’t sure if I could get enough ideas about what to write. My first article was about events in February. It was called ‘Fabulous February.’ I was really excited about publishing my first article. This class helped me to improve my writing skills. It took a long time writing my first month article, but now it takes about 2 classes. My favourite article was the NHD one because I interviewed two people and I had to blend in the article with the story. I also thought that it turned out okay. I hope that someone in the future DM team continues the monthly articles:)


Oh boy my first day was literally me doing nothing because I did not want to be in this class. Then when my class swaps happened I had to choose which elective to give up. I thought I could just live through this class so I dropped the other one. And man did I make the right decision. This has been my favourite class because it teaches me how to write and gives me so much freedom. I gained so much confidence after my first article because I was not a good writer and people could not believe that I had done such a good job. What I also like is the fun way to write a story. When I wrote the scoop on the fort frenzy points I was so excited when I got information about the scores. And that’s what this class is for me. It’s doing what you like in an even funnier way. My one hope for the future is that we gain more followers and people see the tdm as a good place to read articles.


On the first day of participating in the DM team I was very nervous. Because I was not used to sharing ideas in English yet and didn't know what article to write at first. So I had a hard time brainstorming. But after writing the article, I knew what we were doing in the DM team. I felt fulfilled when I published my first article and it was called "Why no textbook at AES?" This article is about why AES uses an iPad or laptop instead of a textbook. But I didn't feel confident after writing the first article. Because I don't know if I wrote this article well and even if I did, there's no guarantee that I'll do well next time.


My first day was a tricky one. Two of my electives were changed and I honestly didn’t know what to expect from Media Publications. Honestly, I thought this class was going to be quite boring, and to my surprise, this class is actually one of my favourites! I was a bit apprehensive at first but after going through the process of pitching an idea, researching, writing, formatting and finally publishing my first article, I felt excited to do it all over again! Through this class, I’ve been able to explore so many ideas and writing styles, and after seeing people reading and enjoying my articles, it made me more confident in my writing! I hope the future DM team can continue to write articles like these and create even more new traditions!


It was a little weird on the first day, I didn’t really understand what to do, but everyone was very supportive, and I caught on quickly. After my first article it became much clearer what to do. My favorite article to write was “Someone Stole Samuel” because it was much more silly than any others I wrote. I hope the DM team can keep up with these articles and keep writing more fun articles!


After my first article, I felt so much better. When writing it I felt a bit uneasy because I have never been in a class like this before, so it was pretty new. However after writing and publishing my first article and people actually liked it, I gained a lot of confidence. I think the engagement of others really helped me feel a bit better. I hope for more students to join the class and hopefully to have a good time! I think that The Direct Message can go far and become more known amongst the middle school grades and maybe even some other districts of school. I wish the DM team the very best!

Thank you for reading and we hope you visit the DM website for a long long time.


See more articles from #Hyeonseo here

1 Comment

Unknown member
May 25, 2021

Thanks for a great semester DM team! It was fun to see you progress as researcher, interviewers and writers this year!

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