Ariana Cooper
I have been at AES for 2 and a half years and will be in Honolulu, Hawaii next year. I will miss the great opportunities like ASIAC and WOW when I move, I will also miss the diverse school body and knowing people from all over the world. My AES experience in five words? Fun, Different, Busy, and Good experience. I guess I want people to remember me as fun and energetic.

Agastya Beniwal
I have been at AES for two and a half years and will move to Singapore next year. I will miss my friends, ASIAC, and WOW. If I had to describe AES in 5 words, it would be fun, exciting, energetic,
and a pleasant experience. I hope that other students will remember me as fun and nice

Rotem Nakash Kaynar
My name is Rotem. I am twelve years old, and I'm leaving Aes. I've been at Aes for two years, and I'm going to Ra'anana, a city in Israel. I will miss my friends, Asiac, Wow, and other opportunities. If I could describe it in 5 words, it would be fun, inclusive, opportunistic, unique, and supportive. I would like it if people would remember me as the funny Pokemon science music Splatoon fan or the duck hat kid.

Gahwa Lee
I have been at AES for five years and am returning to Seoul, Korea. I want to describe AES as Fun, Good Friends, and Teachers. I wish people remember me as a positive person. I will miss AES so much! Because in AES, there are so many kind teachers and friends. I wish other students feel the way that I am!

Agota Strelciunaite
This is my third year in AES and I am moving to Beijing, China. If I had to describe AES in 5 words, I would say fun, crazy, kind, diverse, and unique. I will miss my friends, my coaches and teachers, and the swimming pool. I hope people remember me as the person who loved to swim and talked too loud. I will miss AES so much and all the opportunities I have gotten here.

Rosemary McKenney
I have been at AES for two years, and at the end of this year, I am moving to Nairobi, Kenya. I will miss a lot of things from AES, the biggest of which is all the fun events that the school has, like ASAs, ASIACs, and fort frenzies! If I had to describe AES in five words they would be Unique, Diverse, Special, Fun, and inclusive. When I leave I want people to remember me as crazy and funny.

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