The Direct Message is set. With our move to our new website, we now have a new logo. Since the new website had a bird made with colourful triangles for a logo (which had nothing to do with the DM), we decided to make a new one!
As you probably saw when you came into the website, this is our new logo. Let me introduce it to you.
When you see the logo, you would probably think, “A arrow-shaped speech bubble?”
Yes, it’s exactly that.
I drew it like that because I thought it would be nice to represent two words, direct and message, because it is the two words that make ‘DM’. I first thought I could put an arrow on top of the word ‘Direct’ because the arrow is pointing directly, and a speech bubble on top of the word ‘message’ because when you message people, your message gets written on a speech bubble.
But then I figured it would be too big and kind of complicated. So I decided to put together the arrow and the speech bubble to one shape. Then I plucked out the part from the speech bubble where it points to the person who’s talking and stuck it to the bottom of the arrow. I decided to colour it yellow and white because yellow is particularly AES’s colour. Boooom! The DM logo is done!
I really enjoyed making the logo because I got to play with it. I hope you like it✌️.
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