By Yubin and Camila
The snitch was flying through the air, the seeker jumped into the air and stretched out his arms. BAM!! “Thirty points for Slytherin!” Lily commented loudly. The Slytherin crowd burst into cheers. The Gryffindors moaned, then they stood up to encourage their team. On the other side of the field, there were the Ravenclaws and the Hufflepuff. After a hard, sweaty match the Ravenclaws won with an outstanding score of 180-30. “YAY!” they shouted.
Last Thursday, while the 8th graders were listening to boring speeches for POP, and the 6th graders were celebrating Indian independence day, the 7th graders were out on the Quidditch Field (aka the Tiger Turf). They had been waiting for this day for the past 2 weeks, and it was finally the day, Harry Potter Day!
The second match was Gryffindor against Hufflepuff. The chasers were dodging the bludgers and trying to score on the high hoop. “Score! 10 points to Gryffindor. Gryffindor comes in third place.” Lily yelled into the microphone. Lily and Ella were the official commentators for the Quidditch matches.
The final championship match was between Slytherin against Ravenclaw. At the last minute, Ravenclaw made their last move and caught the last golden snitch! The speakers boomed, “30 points to Ravenclaw! Ravenclaw comes in first place and wins the victory cup!”

Willem commentating after stealing the microphone from Lily. Photo Credit: Ms. Lockwood
Still filled with the excitement that occurred during the Quidditch match, the students finally arrived for the most extravagant part of Harry Potter Day — The Feast! Even before they arrived at the HOP, they could smell the scent of freshly baked bread and roasted chicken. Everyone’s mouths were watering as they entered the HOP and saw all the amazing treats made by the students themselves, there it was, all laid out for the 120 students. Everyone ran to grab something, but they were stopped by the professors, and reluctantly sat back down according to their houses.
Suddenly, there was a booming voice that surrounded the inside walls of the HOP. “Dear students of Hogwarts, I welcome you to the feast” Ms. Al Moreno announced by video. “You are going to line up and get your lunch by the rankings you got in Quidditch, last place will eat first followed by the third and second place, lastly, Slytherin will get to line up.” Ms. Vosk commented. All the Hufflepuffs grinned then followed the Ravenclaws who sighed with dissatisfaction and complained that it was unfair.
It was the first Harry Potter Day, and Ms. Henderson summed it all up when she said, “At first I wasn’t sure that this was a good idea with all the competition, but now I think that a little competition can be healthy.”

Eva throwing the snitch. Photo Credit: Ms. Lockwood