In the beginning of February, a new PE unit started: basketball. In each period, a minimum of four teams compete against each other. Last week the inter-class tournament ended, leaving eight teams to compete against each other in a win-or-go-home format. Each period champion goes against another period champions and tries to beat them.
The four teams remaining are:
the period one Chewy Toys, led by Adi who scored 31 points in the quarter-finals
the period three Leopards, led by Ramzi
period five Blue Bobcats, led by Arsen
period eight Dunkin' Donuts led by Tom
These four teams compete on Wednesday March 6th. The winners of these semi-finals matchups will compete on Friday March 8th in the Sports Ed celebration to become the middle school PE champion. The other teams that didn't win will compete for third place.
In this celebration we will have food, basketball themed booths, half time activities and the golden ball winner for each period will be announced.
Guess who is going to win the finals in the comments.
Want to learn more about basketball? read #OutofBounce
Update to middle schoolers: Dunkin Donuts and chewy toes are the two remaining team left, and they will compete tomorrow (March 8 2024 Friday)
Karanjot P.S. my next article is about to come out!