The 6th grade had a Pecha Kucha presentation in the HOP (hall of peace). The Pecha Kucha is a slide show of 10 slides and 15 seconds per slide, and this is about 2 minutes and 30 seconds. The 6th graders had to choose a topic connected to their home country. Many students chose food and religion, but some students chose Norwegian folk dance, music, instruments, and anime/manga.
All the 6th-grade students presented separately in their social studies class. And all the students got their presentations printed to remember what they wrote and presented to all the students in the HOP.
Almost all the students had no problem with presenting on the stage, but some students said that they were very nervous about giving, such as Rishaan, who said, “At first I was nervous, but I got through it.” Julie added, “I was very nervous when I stepped onto the stage.” Some 6th graders were nervous and stressed, but, all the students did great.
What made these presentations stand out is that the kids were really brave and were clearly prepared to present their Pecha Kucha. The audience had a great time watching the Pecha Kuchas, such as Cam who said, “They were good and I like the use of pictures.” The crowd learned a lot about the student’s cultures and how the culture is culturally significant. “It was very diverse and interesting,” said Aum.
The students got cookies and lemonade after the Pecha Kucha presentations for doing a great job. This is something you do after a real presentation. Julie said, “I think the lemonade was a bit bitter, but the cookies were good”. While the lemonade might have been bitter after that me and john went and interviewed some people about how they liked the Pecha Kucha presentations.
